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ancoreShare Server turns the world of reporting in Qlik on its head. The zero-footprint web application enables centralized management and automation of static reports from all Qlik apps without requiring additional installations or internet connections. The highlight of this revolutionary tool is the integrated graphical WYSIWYG Report Designer. With this, designers can design reports on the fly without having to rely on external software such as MS Office. With features such as Real-time Collaboration, Multi-Page & Pivot Table, and support for Pixel-Perfect & High Resolution graphics, ancoreShare offers flexibility in report creation.
The tool also offers the ability to export reports automatically and conditionally in different formats and send them to different recipients. Unlimited users and seamless integration with Active Directory are further advantages of the software. Security standards and enterprise requirements are firmly in place. With an extensive management API, repository API and included Qlik dashboards that accompany the installation, ancoreShare Server greatly extends the capabilities of Qlik reporting.